Full Stack Web Developer Professional
By skills2achieve.com
Categories: Advance Professional Programs
About Course
6-Month Full Stack Web Developer Professional Program with Job Guarantee
Begin on a transformative journey in web development with our comprehensive 6-month Full Stack Web Developer Professional Program, backed by a job guarantee upon successful completion. Designed to equip aspiring developers with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the fast-paced world of web development, this program covers front-end and back-end technologies, industry best practices, and hands-on projects to prepare you for a successful career as a full stack web developer.
Classes Duration
- Weekend Session Duration ( 6 Months) 2 Sessions Per Week of 2 Hours
- Weekday Session Schedule ( 3 Months ) 4 Sessions Per Week of 2 Hours
What Will You Learn?
- HTML5 and CSS
- Front end
- HTML Fundamentals
- Basic Tags
- New Tags in HTML5
- Local Storage
- Index DB
- CSS3 Fundamentals
- CSS3 New Properties
- CSS3 Animation
- CSS3 Tooltips
- CSS Framework
- Bootstrap
- Java Script & Jquery
- Introduction
- What is JavaScript? Complete Introduction with Hello World
- JavaScript Concepts and Basics
- Statements, JS Syntax , Comments ,Variables ,Operators, Arithmetic , Assignment, Data Types, Functions, Objects, Events, Strings, String Methods , Numbers ,Number Methods , Arrays, Array Methods ,Array Sort ,Array Iteration ,Dates ,Date Formats,Date Get Methods ,Date Set Methods ,Math ,Random, Booleans ,Comparisons ,Conditions ,Switch ,Loop For ,Loop While ,Break ,Type Conversion , Bitwise , RegExp , Errors, Scope , Hoisting ,Strict Mode ,this keyword ,Let , Const ,Debugging ,Style.
- Variable Naming Rules and JavaScript Data Types(With Example)
- Expressions and Operators
- Flow Control
- Defining Functions and Methods
- Constructors and Inheritance
- Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions
- Managing Web Page Styles using JavaScript and CSS
- Handling Web Page Events
- JS Forms
- How to Script Forms
- Forms API
- JS Objects
- Definitions
- Properties
- Methods
- Accessors
- Constructors
- Prototypes
- JS Functions
- Definitions
- Parameters
- Invocation
- Call
- Apply
- Closures
- Intro
- Methods
- Document
- Elements
- Animations
- Events
- Event Listener
- Navigation
- Nodes
- Collections
- Node Lists
- JS Browser BOM
- Window
- Screen
- Location
- History
- Navigator
- Popup Alert
- Timing
- Cookies
- Intro
- Syntax
- Json vs XML
- Data Types
- Parse
- Stringify
- Objects
- Arrays
- JS vs jQuery
- jQuery Selectors
- jQuery HTML
- jQuery CSS
- jQuery DOM
- Ajax
- Introduction
- XMLHttp
- Request
- Response
- XML File
- Database
- Applications
- Examples
- Angular 6 & 7
- Introduction
- What is Angular? Why Angular?
- Features of Angular
- Difference between Angular 2, 4, 5, 6, 7
- Required software/tools
- Initial setup
- Creating basic Angular application
- Angular application flow
- Brief description of modules and components
- Components in Angular
- Creating component using Angular CLI
- Using component selectors
- Lifecycle hooks
- OnInit, OnDestroy , etc as per requirement
- Component interaction
- Parent & child interaction
- Data & Event Binding
- One-way data binding
- Two-way data binding
- Event binding
- Examples in each section
- Pipes
- What are pipes?
- Inbuilt pipes
- Custom pipes
- Pure & impure pipes
- Directives
- What are directives?
- Types of directives
- Custom directives
- Structural Directives
- ngIf – syntax and examples
- ngFor – displaying data dynamically – examples
- ngSwitch – syntax and examples
- ng-container
- Attribute Directives
- ngClass – syntax and examples
- ngStyle – syntax and examples
- Template Driven Forms
- Introduction
- Basic form with input text field
- Validations – required, maxlength, etc
- Submitting form
- Disabling submit when form is invalid
- Additional input types
- Radio buttons
- Checkbox
- Select dropdown
- Date fields
- Reactive Forms
- Need of reactive forms
- When to use reactive and template driven forms
- Basic form with input text
- Form validation
- Additional input types
- Dynamic checkboxes
- Radio buttons
- Select dropdown
- Services & HTTP Client
- What is a Service?
- Creating a Basic Service
- What is Dependency Injection?
- Injecting Services
- Using a service in a Component
- Using a shared service
- Angular HTTP Client
- Observable
- Making a basic HTTP GET Call
- GET request
- GET request with parameters
- POST request
- Reading HTTP Response
- Using .map()
- catchError()
- Using the Service in a Component
- Routing
- Routing module
- Define routes and add router outlet
- Redirecting
- Lazy loading
- Route guards
- Query parameters
- Building & Deployment
- Build the project using ‘ng build’
- Deploy the project
- Angular 7 Features
- Unit testing using Karma Essential
- Angular Material Essential
- MongoDB
- Introduction to NOSQL Database
- Basic CRUD Operations
- Indexing
- Aggregation
- Data Modeling concepts
- Connecting MongoDB using Mongoose
- MySql Essential
- Introduction to Mysql Database
- Basic CRUD Operations
- Connecting to Mysql using Nodejs.
- Node JS
- BackEnd
- Introduction
- Introduction to JS
- JS evolution to server
- Why to use node?
- How to use node
- Node Package Manager
- Advantages of Node JS
- Traditional Web Server Model
- js Process Model
- First Steps
- Node Installation
- what is Express Framework and configuration
- Compilation
- Execution cycle
- Exploring Data Types & Functions
- Objects
- Strings
- Numbers
- Auto Casting
- Prototype
- Function
- Self-Invocation Functions
- Array
- Booleans
- Un defined
- null
- Functions
- Buffer
- Module
- Module Types
- Core Modules
- Local Modules
- Module Exports
- Control Structures: Logical Expressions
- If statements
- Else and else if statements
- Logical operators
- Switch statements
- Control Structures: Loops
- For loops
- For each loops
- Continue
- Break
- File System
- Read File
- Writing a File
- Writing a file asynchronously
- Opening a file
- Deleting a file
- Other IO Operations
- User-Defined Functions
- Defining functions
- Function arguments
- Returning values from a function
- Multiple return values
- Scope and global variables
- Events
- EventEmitter class
- Returning event emitter
- Inhering events
- Debugging
- Developers console
- Warnings and errors
- Debugging and troubleshooting
- HTML compilation and Angular Compilation
- Compilation phase
- Actual Node Topics
- Modules
- Packages
- Routers
- Buffer
- Reading and Writing Files
- Blocking and Non-Blocking
- Working with Promise
- Process
- Child Process
- Event Loop
- Debugger
- Express.JS
- Configuring routes
- Working with express
- Database connectivity
- Connection string
- Configuring
- Working with select command
- Updating records
- Deleting records
- Template Engines
- Why Template Engine
- What is Jade
- What is vash
- Build a real time chat application in Node js using Express, Mongoose and Socket.io. Building one more real time application using Node js.
- PHP Essential
- Basics of PHP
- Basics CRUD Operations
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